VMU Centre for Asian Studies invites you to the premiere of a new documentary “Kaunas. The city of Sugihara and Japan”. The premiere will be taking place on April 26, 5:30 P.M. in Kaunas cinema centre’s “Romuva” temporary hall, Kęstučio st. 62 (entrance through the inner yard). The story of Kaunas – Japan bilateral relations […]
On April 25th Sugihara Group for Kaunas-Japan Relations Development was established. The Group will be approved by the decree of the Mayor of Kaunas. The main purpose of the Group is to bring together a range of organizations and active Kaunas residents, who are contributing to the relations between Japan and Kaunas. The group is […]
This September 11th the screening of a movie about Chiune Sugihara will take place in the historical movie theater “Romuva” in Kaunas. During this event the viewers will be able to meet the delegation from Gifu prefecture, including Jaocu city mayor, who will hand funds donated by Gifu people for Sugihara fond “Diplomats for Life” […]
This October 13th the first screening of a movie about Chiune Sugihara will take place in the historical movie theater “Romuva”. During this exclusive premiere the viewers not only will be the first ones in the world to watch the film (the Tokyo premiere is set in December), but also will have a rare opportunity […]
What are your first thoughts when you here “martial arts“? Do you imagine muscular boxers or maybe flexible Buddhist priests, karate masters breaking wooden blocks or ninjutsu practitioniers throwing shurikens? No matter what kind of methods will be used or what kind of phylosophy will be followed, all of these martial arts are used for […]
Most people who love Japan dream about seeing this country with their own eyes. Every year at least one HASHI club member sets on a long journey for even just a moment to look into this dream land. This Friday Joana Vaitkutė, who lived in Japan for one year, will tell us about her experience.
On the 21st of September, Nobuki Sugihara, the only remaining son of Chiune Sugihara, visited Kaunas. Mr. Nobuki together with his family visited memorial museum dedicated to his father. Also, the delegation saw Centre for Asian Studies and Ch. Sugihara Reading room which are installed in the former living apartments of Sugihara family when they were […]
This Friday, 18:00 we will hold an opening event of HASHI club (small presentation for new people). Also, our club is being visited by Chiune Bridging club students from Japan, who will present their club. After presentations we will have some snacks (bring some please) and play some interactive games. Meet you there!
Haruna Akagi, Cherry blossoms in Lithuania, 2013 This is a book about Chiune Sugihara, a Japanese Consul who worked in Kaunas, Lithuania at the beginning of World War II. Consisting of two parts, the book tells about the Consul’s life in Kaunas as well as his struggle to save Jewish people from Nazi aggression. The […]
Merry Christmas and Happy New year! VMU Japanese culture club “Hashi” wishes you all the best! Have a warm evening at home, laugh with friends and think positive 🙂 “Hashi” is thankful to everybody who visited us this year. We hope to meet you again next year 🙂 See you in February!