Chiune Sugihara reading room situated in the Centre for Asian Studies was established in November 2008 (the official opening ceremony took place in October 2009). It is one of eight reading rooms that belong to the central library of Vytautas Magnus University. One of the main aims for the establishment of this reading room is to provide students of East Asian study programs with necessary materials for their studies, as well as to expand literature funds regarding Asian countries in Kaunas.

Library funds:

Since 1994 the collection is being supplemented with books donated by Lithuanian and Japanese people, diplomatic representatives from Asian countries and various foundations (The Japan Foundation, Korean Foundation, Nippon Foundation, Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation and others). Recently we make efforts to purchase more literature on East Asian issues written in English.

Supporting VMU library funds is one of the activities of the Centre for Asian Studies. If you wish to contribute to Centre‘s reading room funds, please contact the librarian of the reading room Mr. Arvydas Kumpis (e-mail: ).