International Annual Conferences
September 18-20, 2014; Aula Magna of VMU
8th: Christian World and East Asian Traditions: Symbols, Concepts, Practices
March 1, 2013; Small Hall of VMU
7th: Chinese / Taiwanese Studies in Baltic States
October 26, 2012; Small Hall of VMU
6th: Representation of Japanese contemporary popular culture in Europe
November 3-4, 2011, Historical Presidential Palace in Kaunas
5th: Japanology within Asian Studies in Lithuania: Historical Perspective and Present Situation
November 4-5, 2010, Galery 101
4th: Representation of Japan in European Medias. Comparison with the Korean Case
October 15-16, 2009, Centre for Asian Studies
3rd: Japan as Images: Crossing Viewpoints of Europe and Japan
November 15-16, 2008, Centre for Asian Studies
2nd: Tradition in Modernization: Contemporary Asia from European Perspective
October 13, 2007, Centre for Asian Studies
1st: Image of Japan in Europe
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