Last Friday HASHI club was on holidays thus we are inviting you to
participate in this Friday’s event even more enthusiastically! This week we
are asking all of you to use your brains and join HASHI quiz. The topic of
the quiz is Japan. Most of the questions will be able to be answered using
logical thinking, not just dry facts and pure knowledge.

The quiz will have teams of 4-5 participants which will play in 4-5 tours.
All of the teams will be arranged just before the game so you don’t have to
worry about that. Everything depends on how many of you will show up, so
don’t let us down! 1st place will get special HASHI club organized prizes.

IMPORTANT: All of the slides and questions during quiz will be in
Lithuanian language, so if you are an exchange student and want to fully
participate, contact Egle Vaskeviciute(Facebook) no later than Wednesday
14:00 PM.

This time only we will charge a participation fee of symbolic price of 1
LITAS in order to support HASHI club which is currently having great
financial problems.

Time: November 8th (Friday), 6 pm
Place: Sugihara House, Vaizganto g. 30