Most people who love Japan dream about seeing this country with their own eyes. Every year at least one HASHI club member sets on a long journey for even just a moment to look into this dream land. This Friday Joana Vaitkutė, who lived in Japan for one year, will tell us about her experience.

Studies in the prestigious Waseda University, trips to various sides of the country, lots of new people – this allowed her to sort out whether Japan is the same as in anime or other people’s stories and what we really can find there. In addition, Joana accidentally started studying the thinking of Japanese girls and other related peculiarities. So what Japan is really like, is it hard for a European to adapt there? Answers to these questions and all the more will be found out this week. Be brave and active, Joana will gladly answer what you want to know. Please visit us!

After the presentation, tea and snacks will wait for you

Time: September 26th (FRIDAY), 6 pm
Place: Sugihara House, Vaizganto g. 30