VMU Centre for Asian Studies invites you to participate in the competition. The main goal of the competition is to create a logo for a cycle of events called “Time for Asia”.
What to do?
- Draw, layout, make a photograph or otherwise create a logo that reflects the “Time for Asia” theme;
- Save this piece in your computer in .jpg or .png format or beautifully redraw it on a white sheet of paper;
- Send the electronic version of the logo by e-mail azijosstudijucentras@gmail.com or bring a paper version to the Centre for Asian Studies (V. Putvinskio st. 23-420/419, Kaunas).
The competition is open until November 20th (Sunday). Therefore, we are waiting for the electronic version of the logo until the midnight of November 20th and the paper logos until November 18th (Friday) at 4.00pm.
The author of the most beautiful logo will be able to select a book from our archive of gifts in the Centre for Asian Studies (V. Putvinskio st. 23-420/419, Kaunas).
More on “Time for Asia:
“Time for Asia” is a new cycle of events, organised by the Centre for Asian Studies and aimed to present contemporary issues and topics in the fields of Asian politics, society and economics.