We would like to invite you all to a cycle of lectures by the Board member of European Japan Experts Association, Prof. Anders Törnvall, under the title: “East Asian Values, Philosophies, Psychologies and Religions Influences on The Process of Intercultural Communications Today, Focusing on China, Japan and Korea” that will take place in VMU on November 11-12th.
Public lecture “The Two Koreas- a Squeezed Civilization between North and South, Collectivism and Individualism” will focus on what the two Koreas have in common from cultural, political and emotional points of view as well as the differences and the difficulties for a reunion. It will take place on November 11th 11:15-13:13 (Putvinskis 23, Room 103).
Public lecture “The Hidden and Fascinating Faces of Japan”, which will talk about many faces of Japan, which are not always easy for westerners to understand and take on. The phenomens beyond western logics like kami, amae, giri and ninjo will be discussed. It will take place on November 11th 14:45-17:15 (Putvinskis 23, Room 310).
Public lecture “Xi Jinping‘s Thinking- Perspectives and Consequences” will analyze how traditional cultural and political powers have influenced chines thinking and startegies today. It will take place on November 12th 11:15-13:45 (Putvinskis 23, Room 310).
Prof. Anders Törnvall is a Board member in European Japan Experts Association and a professor in Linköping University. He specializes in intercultural communication particularly in East Asian countries. Apart from other topics, his fields of research include work ethic in automotive industries (A comparative study in Toyota, GM and SAAB), Cross Boarder Studies (CBS), Synergies between companies operating in different cultures and countries. His teaching fields include business cultures in Japan, China, Europe, Pacific Rim, leadership and ethics etc. Has been a visiting professor in such universities as Lancaster University, Meiji University, Harvard University, etc.