Posts tagged ‘Hashi’

HASHI picnic

April 24th, 2014

Vyšnių žiedai, vyšnių žiedai Pavasario danguje Kiek tik akys aprėpia Ar tai rūkas, ar debesys? O kvapas! Dabar Dabar Eime jų pažiūrėti.

It’s anime time!

April 8th, 2014

It is already the middle of spring and days are geting warmer and warmer… In Japan sakura trees are in fool bloom while in Lithuania starts long-awaited „Anime Nights“ festival. For this occasion this Friday HASHI invites you to spend the evening while watching anime. Fuse Teppō Musume no Torimonochō is a 2012 Japanese animated […]

SemeReiPervert~ Cosplay

March 31st, 2014

Have you ever collected clippings from the newspapers about your beloved performers? Maybe your room walls were decorated with various bands wallpapers? Without a doubt some of us have gone trough fantasy period about world tours however some Japanese culture fans are fond of impersonating his/her beloved artist. Cosplay (costume play for short) is a […]

Traditional Japanese art

March 27th, 2014

This Friday HASHI will present two traditional Japanese arts – calligraphy and ink wash painting. Japanese calligraphy (shodō) is a form of calligraphy, or artistic writing. After the invention of Hiragana and Katakana, the Japanese unique syllabaries, the distinctive Japanese writing system developed and calligraphers produced styles intrinsic to Japan. Ink wash painting (sumi-e), also […]

This Friday HASHI will take you on a trip to the Japanese cuisine. Japan is a country of lush and bountiful forests, surrounded on all sides by the sea. Washoku (the traditional dietary cultures of the Japanese) has developed thanks to the blessing of the rich natural surroundings as well as the continuous pursuit of […]

Friday movie

March 13th, 2014

This Friday HASHI guest is anime fan club “Kurokawa” which presents 2012 year animated film “Ookami no kodomo Ame to Yuki“ (Wolf Children).

Have you ever wondered how Japanese people look in the eyes of other countries? Have you ever thought about how Japan reached the top of economic world? This Friday HASHI lector will be Zakarija Muhamadovič

Miscellaneous things from Japan

February 25th, 2014

On the last event this winter, HASHI club decided to give you not just one but a few smaller presentations about Japanese culture. During the evening, you will hear some useful information about “Daruma” dolls and their meaning; guys will be able to get more knowledge about Japanese sports cars.

Japanese toys

February 20th, 2014

Are you still shouting „Let it rip!“ while playing with beyblades? Or maybe you are secretly growing a tamagotchi deep inside your room? If the answer is yes, then this presentation is made for you! This Friday, 6 pm, in HASHI club (Sugihara House, Vaižganto g. 30, Kaunas) Justina Kapeckaitė will tell you about Japanese […]

Hashi Valentines day!

February 11th, 2014

It’s Valentine’s day but you didn’t get any postcards? Feeling lonely and loveless? Good knews: HASHI loves you! This Friday we would like to invite you to watch a documentary movie about a girl whose outstanding persistence leads her to the top of Ginza’s hostesses.