At 6 p.m., Tuesday, on March 26, in the VMU Aula Magna (Gimnazijos g. 7), a charity concert will be held and donations will be accepted in support of Japanese people. Japan extended a helping hand to Lithuania many times in the past, but now it needs our help.
Donations can also be transferred to the special bank accounts of the Lithuanian Red Cross Society: at AB SEB Bankas – no. LT27 7044 0600 0090 8211, at AB Swedbank – no. LT72 7300 0100 0244 8010, at AB DnB NORD bank – no. LT43 4010 0424 0057 6560. In the field for the purpose of the transfer (“Pervedimo paskirtis”), please indicate “Nukentėjusiems Japonijoje” (“For the victims of disaster in Japan”). You can also donate by calling short code phone numbers: 1891 – donation size 5 Lt, 1892 – 10 Lt. The campaign of support to the victims of disaster in Japan will run until April 14.
The event is organized by Vytautas Magnus University, Sugihara House, VMU Centre for Asian Studies and the Aula Magna Music Association.