On January 30, 2011 the Senate of VMU approved the new BA program “Cultures and Languages of East Asian Countries”.  The program is planned to be launched from September 2012 by VMU Faculty of Humanities. 

During a 4 years long program the particular attention will be paid to Chinese, Japanese and Korean history, religion, arts, folklore. The program aims to provide a deep understanding of cultural specifics of East Asian countries, as well as their traditional heritage developed in thousands of years. The students will have an opportunity to gain fluency in one of languages of the region and to acquire basic knowledge in second language. The main aim of the East Asian cultures and languages program is  to prepare qualified specialists in the field of Humanities, who would demonstrate a deep knowledge of East Asian countries’ cultural characteristics and the processes of cultural development, as well as fluency in at least one of East Asian languages, which could be used effectively in praxis.

It is expected that after graduating this program students will be able to find employment in cultural and educational institutions, business enterprises dealing with East Asian countries, tourism agencies, affiliated offices of East Asian enterprises in Lithuania and Europe, governmental institutions (international relations offices, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, diplomatic establishments), translation bureaus and publishing houses.