TC1The Centre for Asian Studies invites scholars of area studies, international relations, international economics and other subjects to submit papers to an international conference Shifting inter-regional balance: EU-East Asia economic cooperation, to be held October 21-22 in Kaunas. The conference focuses on, but is not limited to, the role of small countries amidst the shifting trade and economic cooperation relations between Europe and Asia.

Both the East Asian ‘tigers’ (Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea and Singapore) and the Baltic States have open economies that depend on resources and markets from global powers. The conflict in Ukraine and subsequent sanction regimes between the US, the EU and Russia created a backlash against liberalization of trade and consolidation of trade relations between these economies. Meanwhile, China’s growth has slowed down, but global influence remains prominent in Russia, the Gulf States and elsewhere. Furthermore, Southeast Asia is often mentioned as a key emerging market.

Are the small countries in both regions well equipped for withstanding economic, environmental, security and environmental challenges? What modes of coexistence do they find with the ‘giants’ in each region?

The conference would be a unique exchange of experience among scholars from small countries that are facing global challenges. The aim of this conference is to present state-of-the-art theories and empirical findings, and to inspire academic debates on economic relations between the EU and Asia, together with keynote speakers from Taiwan and Singapore, as well as the regional studies community of Lithuania.

Please submit an abstract of your paper (up to 300 words) or panel (up to 500 words), together with your name, position and institutional affiliation to by May 30, 2015.

Full text of the Call for Papers