plakataslietuviskasEvery year the Centre for Asian Studies at VMU organizes a conference on East Asia from the perspective of various research disciplines. In the past, annual conferences have focused on sociological or religious aspects of East Asian societies. This year’s topic is economy, and in particular – trade and other economic relations between the EU, its Eastern neighborhood, and East Asia. The event will take place on October 21-22, in VMU Small Hall (Daukanto 28, Kaunas).

“Information about the spectacular economic growth and rising global prominence of East Asia is abundant, but the role of the academic community is to make sense of the processes, connections and implications of this,” says the coordinator of this conference, CAS junior researcher Daiva Repečkaitė.

The keynote speakers are Prof. Liou Tohai from National Chengchi University in Taiwan, and Dr. Aušra Maldeikienė, a well-known Lithuanian economist and former recipient of Taiwan Fellowship. Other participants come from Croatia, Latvia, Estonia and Belarus. The conference engages the academic community at all levels – MA students of the East Asia Region Studies at VMU will present their research ideas at an MA poster session.
The conference is open to anyone who is interested in inter-regional trade and international relations. It is sponsored by Taipei Mission in Riga.

Click here to see the program of the conference.