VMU Centre for Asian Studies invites you to the demonstration of Japanese tea ceremony, which will take place on September 5th. 18:00. VMU Arts Centre Hall, Vytautas pr. 71.
Japanese tea drinking rituals and the subtleties will be reviled by master Senyu Tanaka from Japan, who visit Lithuania for the second time this year. Master Senyu Tanaka belongs to the family, which during the Meiji period (1868-1912) established a new direction of tea ceremony – the Society of Japanese Tea Ceremony. This direction of the tea ceremony aims are to convey the tradition according to the changing needs of society, emphasize respect for each tea ceremony and use things and people during the ceremony to communicate harmony. Master Senyu Tanaka is the head of the main Society training centre, based in Tokyo, as well as are author of number of books about tea ceremony.
During the event in Kaunas master not only will demonstrate the tea ceremony, but also will present her book “Japanese tea ceremony for Beginners” (Hajimete no chad “), which translation into Lithuanian language appeared during the spring of this year. The translation into the Lithuanian language is a joint project of VMU Centre for Asian Studies and Kyumeikan school in Kaunas, funded by the Japan Foundation. The translator of the book, VMU lecturer Kristina Barancovaitė-Skindaravičienė, and the project manager, Kyumeikan school director Raimonda Strazdienė, will participate during the presentation of the book.
The event is for the whole Kaunas community and its admission is free.
Read more about Master Senyu Tanaka here (in Lithuanian).