This week we received a report on the evaluation of East Asian Cultures and Languages (RASK) bachelor’s program prepared by the commission of international experts. The evaluation presented favorable conclusions – all areas of the program received high evaluations, including the objectives of the program, process of studies, qualification of lecturers and material base of University. Considering this, the RASK program received accreditation for the longest possible period – 7 years.
In the report experts provided recommendations on how to improve the quality of the study program. The program committee will consider all proposals and actively seek to maintain a high level of East Asian studies at Vytautas Magnus University.
The high program evaluation is a result of a long process that lasted entire year. With the coordination of the Study Quality Assessment Center and a special self-assessment committee, in the first half of 2020 in-depth internal and external assessment of bachelor’s program was carried out and report was prepared. The committee included lecturers of the program, students, social partners and other groups involved with the RASK program. In the early autumn report was handed over to the foreign experts, who visited VMU in November (due to Covid-19 visit was remote), who, after meeting all stakeholders of the study program, were able to confirm the quality of the program.
The Study Quality Assessment Center conducts assessment of all study programs in all Lithuanian higher education institutions on the regular basis. When the maximum length of accreditation in provided to a program, it demonstrates that the program meets the quality criteria well. This not only allows program implementers to evaluate their work, but also is a positive signal for the graduates seeking high quality studies.