We are happy to announce a call for papers for the 5th annual international students’ conference on Asia. The conference will take place on April 9 at Vytautas Magnus University (V. Putvinskio 23, Kaunas).
If you are interested in East Asian cultures, languages, arts, economics or other areas, this event is just for you. The conference, organized by VMU East Asian Languages and Cultures students, together with the Centre for Asian Studies and the Department of Cultural Studies, is a great opportunity to share your accumulated knowledge, work or research with colleagues in this field and not only, to gain experience and improve your public speaking skills, or even get some inspirations. The language of the presentations is Lithuanian or English.
This event has already become an integral part of VMU Asia Week. Follow the updates of this festival and be sure to participate in the events!
Requirements for abstracts. When submitting an abstract, it is necessary to indicate your name, surname, university represented and the course you are studying in. The abstract should be between 250-300 words in Lithuanian or English. Those wishing to submit their abstracts should send them to azijos.konferencijaVDU@gmail.com or by clicking this link by March 7, 2025. Selected speakers will be informed personally.
The conference will be held live, but if circumstances arise, presentations may also be presented remotely.