As every Friday HASHI club presents another lecture for you all. This
Friday you will be able to see and hear a presentation about Japanese
medicine. Justina Kapeckaitė – an old HASHI member will have the honor to
do that.
Things you will hear during the presentation:
- History and achievements of Japanese medicine
- Hichibuku practicing methods
- Kampo (Chinese medicine in Japan)
- Shiatsu and Reiki festivals
At the end of presentation Justina will give some useful advices how each
of us can use Japanese medicine practices in our daily lives. Don’t miss a
great chance to gain useful and interesting knowledge – as always in HASHI
club and on Fridays.
After presentation tea and cookies! 🙂
Time: November 15th (Friday), 6 pm
Place: Sugihara House, Vaizganto g. 30