Sakura2008 After 2 years master’s degree program East Asia Region Studies (EARS) coordinated by CAS is once again being launched. New applicants will find the program renewed and upgraded.

“First of all, I would like to apologize to everyone who wanted to enter our program during the past two years. The circumstances were very unfavorable and we had to make harsh decisions to temporarily stall the program. However it was also a good chance to freshly sort the priorities and fix the past’s mistakes” said Dr. Aurelijus Zykas, the chairperson of EARS study committee.

More attention will be directed to the contemporary processes of East Asia politics, international relations, economy together with religion, identity, culture. New addition to the program is social studies and methodology courses. The learning of East Asian languages is not mandatory, however students will have a chance to use their credits for that as well. Together with the lecturers who taught in this program previously (dr. V. Vobolevičius, dr. I. Karpavičiūtė) new faces will be joining too – prof. E. Račius, dr. J.D. Mininger, prof. M. Ališauskienė, dr. L. Didvalis, doc. dr. K. Juraitė etc.

EARS program’s applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree of humanities or social studies. In order to obtain the basic qualifications for the EARS most of the students during the first year will have to listen to extra lectures. Same as earlier, the best and most motivated students will be encouraged to study at least one semester abroad at one of our partner universities in East Asia.

The postgraduate program of East Asia Region Studies (EARS) was launched at 2007 by the Regional Studies Department (Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy, VMU). After graduation students acquire the MA degree of political science. All the courses of the program are taught in English. Research paper and master’s thesis are also written in English.