Everyone interested in Japanese language is invited to the fourth Japanese language speech contest, which is going to take place in Kaunas, on October 25.
Those who wish to participate at the contest are requested to prepare a brief speech in Japanese language. All speeches will be evaluated by the jury. The jury members include representatives from the Embassy of Japan to Lithuania, University of Osaka, Vytautas Magnus University, Vilnius University and Klaipeda University. The winners of the contest will be awarded with valuable prizes. The special prize is a Winner Cup presented by the Embassy of Japan.
New this year! Those who have already studied in Japan are also allowed to participate in the contest. However, the duration of stay in Japan may not exceed one year.
The contest will take place in the VMU Small Hall (S. Daukanto str. 28, Kaunas) in the afternoon. The exact time of contest opening will be announced soon. After the contest all the participants will be invited for snacks provided by the Embassy of Japan.
This year Japanese language contest is organized by the Centre for Asian Studies of Vytautas Magnus University. The main sponsor of the contest is the Japan Foundation. Partners of the event: Embassy of Japan in Lithuania, Vilnius University, Klaipeda University.
The deadline for the registration to the contest is October 15. Please fill in the registration form attached and send it to k.barancovaite-skindaraviciene@asc.vdu.lt .