AAA_0124mCenter for Asian studies and Confucius Institute invite everyone to enjoy Chinese traditional music. By the invitation of Confucius Institute, five Chinese musicians are coming to Lithuania on 20th of November, Wednesday, to chase away the autumnal melancholy. The concert will take place at VMU Great Hall, S. Daukanto 28. 

The skilled playing with traditional musical instruments – pipa, guqin, dulcimer and Chinese violin erhu – will not leave any dissappointment. Liu Xiaojing, Zhao Xiaoxia, Song Bing, Zhang Guoliang, Liu Ziqi and pianist Liu Chang  are not only virtuosoes of their instruments, but also teach at music academies or universities. In addition, they all have won various prizes and nominations, therefore the professional show is guaranteed.

Why You have to go to this concert? Because exotic and unique instruments are rarely seen in Lithuania. Although all of them are stringed, the playing manner is different. Pipa (four-stringed lute analogue) is pluked, therefore the name is “pi-pa” – “pí” is to strike with the right hand from right to left, and “pá” is to pluck in the opposite direction. Guqin is thought to be one of the oldest and most revered instruments, often associated with intelectuals and even with Confucius. The sounds of guqin are traditionally low, produced by plucking the strings. Dulcimer is played by hitting the strings with special hammers and may produce a wide variety of sounds. Erhu – two stringed Chinese violin, one of most popular intruments not only in traditional, but in modern music as well (sounds of it may be recognized even in Coldplay musical arrangements). Bearing in mind  the skillfulness of musicians, the concert will be unforgetable.

The entrance is free of charge.

Date and time of event – 20th of November, 18:00.
Place – VMU Great Hall, S. Daukanto 28, Kaunas