kyumeikan kendo This October the Centre for Asian Studies began creating their own social partners’ network (SoPaNet) and is inviting all the organisations from Lithuania as well as worldwide who are interested in raising the popularity of Asian countries, expanding the Asian studies and creating qualified specialists in this field.

All the culture, sports, education and research institutions, business companies, public and private government organisations related to Asian countries are welcome to join the network. The un-binding contract is signed between two parties, which opens the opportunities to exchange information, engage in joint projects and organise the events together. Parnership will be established by exchanging the logos and placing them into each others’ websites. With institutions, who are offering a possibility for students’ practice, the additional document will be signed.

On October the 3rd both of the documents mentioned above were signed with the first official social partner of the Centre for Asian Studies. It is a school for kendo – Japanese martial art, called “Kyūmeikan”. The school was the first to establish such school in Lithuania and currently is actively promoting Japanese culture through the regular meetings, summer schools and other cultural events.