20131113_KI visitOn 13th of November, prof. dr. Zhang Donghui, the new director of Vilnius University Confucius institute (VU CI) paid a visit to the Center for Asian Studies (CAS). She met VMU Rector Prof. Zigmas Lydeka, director of International Office, Ms. Zinaida Baltrėnienė, deputy director of the Foreign Languages Institute Dr. Vilma Bijeikienė, Vice-dean of the Faculty of Humanities Dr. Aurelija Tamošiūnaitė and the head of the Centre for Asian Studies Dr. Aurelijus Zykas.

During the meeting various questions of future coopertion were discussed. Most important among them – the establishment of separate Confucius Institute Teaching point at Vytautas Magnus University. By now, VMU has become the leading institution in Lithuania in terms of amount of students who are learning Chinese language.  There are about 100 students, who are taking Chinese classes this semester. CI Teaching point would improve the conditions of teaching Chinese by providing more teaching inventory and qualified teachers.