This Friday HASHI will take you on a trip to the Japanese cuisine. Japan is a country of lush and bountiful forests, surrounded on all sides by the sea. Washoku (the traditional dietary cultures of the Japanese) has developed thanks to the blessing of the rich natural surroundings as well as the continuous pursuit of perfection by Japanese cooks, evolving into a cuisine now highly praised over the world. Japan has a wide variety of regional food customs and numerous local dishes. Regional dishes are a treasured part of the country´s cultural heritage. This travel‘s guide will be VDU student Ieva Mičiulytė, who will not only talk about well known dishes but also describe the difference between regional cuisines.
As always after the presentation tea and cookies wait for you!
Time: March 21h (Friday), 6 pm
Place: Sugihara House, Vaizganto g. 30