DSC_3276 On the 9th of May, Centre for Asian Studies organized their annual event – East Asia Day. The purpose of this event was to gather students, lecturers and professors, social partners and alumni of VMU.

Political and public sector’s delegates as well as cultural organisations representatives gave presentations on their activities. Development of the relations between Lithuania and Asian countries was introduced by japanese ambassador Kazuko Shiraishi, Indonesian ambassador prof. Bomer Pasaribu, ITB rector Prof. Dr. Akhmaloka, representative of Confucius Institute Bo Shuyan and the leader of Buddhist community in Lithuania “Kwam Um Dzen” Alvydas Turskis. Also, Andrius Pukis and Adomas Lapinskas who won Darma Siswa scholarship in the past shared their experiences in Indonesia, Agnė Zabulionytė introduced her impressions about China and South Korea, countries that she visited as an exchange student.