picThe Centre for Asian studies together with the Department of Philosophy and the Faculty of Catholic Theology organized the international interdisciplinary academic conference “Christian World and East Asian Traditions: Symbols, Concepts, Practices“, which took place in Vytautas Magnus University, Aula Magna (Gimnazijos str. 7, Kaunas), on September 18-20, 2014.

The aim of the conference was to bring together researchers from a wide range of disciplines, interested in the interrelationship between the Christian world and East Asia in various areas such as philosophy, religious studies, social and political sciences, literature and arts. Scientists from Taiwan, China, Japan, Italy, Poland, Latvia and Lithuania presented their research, shared their insights and undoubtedly provided new attitudes towards the relations between Eastern and Western worlds.

Conference supported by: Taipei Mission (Riga) and Lithuania Council of Sciences

Click here for photos from the conference.