Centre for Asian Studies is organizing public Japanese language courses. They are meant for school pupils and working citizens who are not able to participate in VMU lectures during the usual time.
Courses will be taught by VMU Japanese language teacher Yumiko Nunokawa and here you will have a chance to learn the basics of Japanese language, calligraphy and so on. The courses will be lead in English.
Duration of the course: 12 lectures, once a week. Time of the lecture – 90 min. Size of a group – 4 – 7 people.
A certificate of VMU Centre for Asian Studies will be issued for those who completed the course.
At the moment you can choose from 2 groups:
Saturday group: February 21 – May 30
Tuesday group: February 24 – May 26
Registration deadline – February 14.
During the registration please write your full name and surname, a valid phone number and e-mail address, which group you would like to attend (Saturday or Tuesday group) and what time would be the most comfortable for you.
Registration form: http://goo.gl/forms/Q4c5FmVRuu
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate and contact the following e-mail: k.gedminaite@pmdf.vdu.lt