books-860444_1920The Centre for Asian Studies invites scholars of area studies, political science, history, sociology, economics, anthropology and other subjects to submit papers to an international conference “Civil Society in East Asian Countries: Contributions to Democracy, Peace and Sustainable Development“ that will be held on October 26-27 in Kaunas, Lithuania.

The conference is dedicated to research about civil society in East Asian countries. The organizers are inviting scholars to present their insights on what role civil society is playing in East Asia, in what ways non-governmental sector is organized, what challenges and opportunities civil activists encounter in each country, and what effects civil society has on democracy, peace, international cooperation, sustainable development and other spheres on the global, regional, national and local scale. Approaches from the perspective of political science, history, sociology, economics, anthropology and other sciences are welcome.

Please submit an abstract of individual presentation (up to 300 words) or panel (up to 500 words), together with your name, position, institutional affiliation and a short (one paragraph) biographical statement to by June 30, 2017. All proposals will be peer reviewed by a board of experts, and the selection results will be announced by July 15. Selected presenters will be asked to submit full paper of their presentation by the beginning of the conference to be published as conference proceedings.

More information.