We would like to invite you to spend the Sugihara Week’s Japanese Culture Fair by immersed yourself in the hustle and bustle of Japanese culture and learning more about Japan’s friends in Lithuania. The fair will take place on October 13, 10:00-16:00 at 3rd floor of Kaunas Akropolis. It is free and open to all.
During the fair a number of organisations that have ties with Japan will present their activities allowing you to admire traditional kimono and tea ceremony or to learn about Japan’s modern daily life or old traditions. Those who are seeking new challenges will be able to learn calligraphy and writing their name in Japanese, and if the initial curiosity will transform into a deeper interest, the fair will allow to make contacts with people who will help you to expand your knowledge further later on.
You can find more information about Sugihara Week and its events in Sugihara Week Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Sugiharaweek
The fair will be held in accordance with safety requirements therefore, we would like to ask participants and guests to wear protective face masks.