Staff members of the Centre for Asian Studies, Arvydas Kumpis and Simona Kumpe have visited partner institutions in Japan – Hiroshima and International Christian Universities, as well as the Zuiryo High School in Nagoya, where the famous Japanese diplomat Chiune Sugihara was studying back in the days.

During their visit to the Zuiryo High School on February 20 Arvydas and Simona, who are currently visiting Meijo University in Nagoya, gave a lecture on the similarities and differences between Lithuania and Japan.

During the visit to Hiroshima University on February 21, they met with students who will visit Vytautas Magnus University in early March as participants of the “Start+” project. After briefly discussing the program of the upcoming visit, some valuable advice was shared on how to better prepare for the arrival to Lithuania.

On February 24, Arvydas and Simona visited the International Christian University, where Dr. Arvydas Kumpis gave a lecture on the historical relations between Lithuania and Japan and met with the ICU Vice President, Dr. Mark Wiliams, and representatives of the International Office. This visit was organized by the ICU Director of the International Summer Programs in Japan and VMU graduate, Dr. Audrius Sabūnas.

Dr. Arvydas Kumpis is currently doing a research internship at Meijo University.