Translation workshop

coverOn December 13th the Centre For Asian Studies, in cooperation with the Lithuanian Association of Literary Translators, invites all students of Japanese or Korean languages, to a free and open translation workshop. Workshop will be held from 1 pm at Putvinskio str. 23-412.

During half day long workshop participants will be able to learn what tools are useful in text translation, what should be the process of translation, how to deal with challenges and how to achieve high quality translation. During practical exercises participants will be able to try their hand in translating a short text into Lithuanian language and get answers to all their questions. (more…)

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south-korea-239106_1280Centre for Asian Studies continues cycle of events under the title “Time for Asia”. The second event will take place on the 28th of November, at 11:15, in Donelaicio str. 52-322. The presenter will be visiting professor from Korea Foundation Dr. Yu-Ree Kim holding a lecture The Two Koreas in Post-Cold War era: Cooperation and Crisis.

This lecture will go through the process and changes of the North-South relations focusing on the 25 years of economic cooperation tryouts which finally came to an end in 2016 due to the worsening North Korea nuclear problem, in the regional context of Northeast Asia. What can we learn from these 25 years in order to better predict the future situation in the Korean Peninsula? Can we expect more tensions and even war, or the opposite – unification and peace? (more…)

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konkursas (logotipas)2

VMU Centre for Asian Studies invites you to participate in the competition. The main goal of the competition is to create a logo for a cycle of events called “Time for Asia”.

What to do? (more…)

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tomoko akoCentre for Asian Studies starts a new cycle of events under the title “Time for Asia”. The first event will take place on the 24th of October, at 11:15, in Daukanto str. 52-322. The first presenter will be Professor from Tokyo University, Dr Tomoko Ako, holding a lecture under the title „Is China on the Cusp of a Middle-Class Revolt?“.

The aim of the lecture is to unveil the peculiarities of middle-class in China, delineating differences between urban and rural dwellers. Click here for the abstract of the lecture. The lecture will be succeeded by the discussion and Q&A session in which we encourage you to participate as well. We are grateful for the partners of the event, Embassy of Japan in Lithuania. (more…)

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This September, a partnership in research was established between the Centre for Asian Studies and the Embassy of People’s Republic of China in Lithuania. On the basis of Embassy’s request, the Centre prepared a report about upcoming Lithuanian parliamentary election and how different outcome scenarios could impact Lithuania-China relationship. We hope this marks a beginning of increased cooperation between the Centre and China’s Embassy.

The Centre for Asian Studies is regularly engaged in research activities related to Japan, Korea, China or East Asia region as a whole. This includes research conducted directly for institutions or businesses that seek to create stronger links between Lithuania and East Asia. That includes the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania, the Embassy of Japan in Lithuania, and others.

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The Centre for Asian Studies invited scholars and the general public to an international academic conference “Travel and Mutual Understanding: East Asia, Europe and Beyond“ that was held October 20-21 in Kaunas, Lithuania at VMU Small Hall (Daukanto st. 28, 2nd floor).

The conference focused on travel as an opportunity for inter-cultural learning and both material and immaterial exchanges. The conference papers reviewed the history of travelers’ contacts, tourism policy, tourist industry and other related topics spanning from early 20th century until today, with most focus given to East Asian countries. (more…)

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eajrs_logo_120This September, 14-17, the 27thEAJRS (European Association of Japanese Resource Specialists) took place in Bucharest University. Vytautas Magnus University was represented there by Arvydas Kumpis, a senior coordinator the Centre for Asian Studies and a librarian at VMU Library. He made a presentation on “Contemporary Japanese studies in Vytautas Magnus University: presentation of collection on Social sciences and Humanities”.
EAJRS conferences are one of most important events for the specialists dealing with Japanese resources – librarians, archivists, researchers, publishers. This year, the participants came from participants from United Kingdom, Russia, the Netherlands, France, Germany, (more…)

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DSC_8918On September 19th, the delegation of Japanese Youth Goodwill Mission in Lithuania met VMU Vice-Rector and discussed the issues on education. Participants were invited to attend presentations about the University and its internationality as well as the history and activity of the Centre for Asian studies. After the official part of the meeting Index delegation was invited to the Asian Books Space (ABS), which is located in VMU Vaclovas Biržiška Library, and to participate in the discussion on the needs and importance of Asian studies in Lithuania with the students of East Asian Cultures and Languages program. (more…)

akeVytautas Magnus University Centre for Asian Studies together with VMU Library kindly invites You to the opening of Asian Books Space (ABS). The ceremony will take part on the 30th of September (Friday), 15:00 in V. Biržiška Reading Room (Donelaičio 52, Kaunas).

Asian Books Space is integral part of VMU Library located in V. Biržiška Reading Room. ABS contains the library funds from the former Ch. Sugihara Reading Room. Presently it consists from more than 4600 books on the topics of Asian countries, that have been collected thanks to the efforts of international foundations, diplomatic institutions and people, and becomes one of the bigest collections on Asian studies in the Baltics.

foto_TanakaVMU Centre for Asian Studies invites you to the demonstration of Japanese tea ceremony, which will take place on September 5th. 18:00. VMU Arts Centre Hall, Vytautas pr. 71.

Japanese tea drinking rituals and the subtleties will be reviled by master Senyu Tanaka from Japan, who visit Lithuania for the second time this year. Master Senyu Tanaka belongs to the family, which during the Meiji period (1868-1912) established a new direction of tea ceremony – the Society of Japanese Tea Ceremony. This direction of the tea ceremony aims are to convey the tradition according to the changing needs of society, emphasize respect for each tea ceremony and use things and people during the ceremony to communicate harmony. Master Senyu Tanaka is the head of the main Society training centre, based in Tokyo, as well as are author of number of books about tea ceremony. (more…)