Posts tagged ‘Japonija’

Kanji Kurabu. Oct 15.

October 11th, 2011

The second meeting of “Kanji Kurabu” is scheduled for this Saturday. Homework – please bring one Japanese word we could translate and learn together. Notes from last meeting could be found here: 漢字クラブ10月8日 Due to Hashi events, meeting time was shifted to 4pm. Meeting place is the same – Sugihara House. Club attendance is free!

The open meeting of the project “Japan in the West: a Comparative Analysis” will take place in the afternoon of November 4 at the Historical Presidential Palace of the Republic of Lithuania in Kaunas (Vilniaus str. 33, Kaunas). During the meeting six scholars from Vytautas Magnus University, Japan, France, Austria and Australia will discuss about the […]

Kimono Evening

October 3rd, 2011

How much do you know about the famous Japanese clothing, kimono? It is definitely beautiful to watch, but it also requires lots of patience and knowledge to wear it. This Friday “Hashi” has invited a guest from the Japanese Culture Centre “Tsuru”, Augustė Juraškaitė, who will tell us more about the ritual of putting on […]

Kanji Kurabu

October 3rd, 2011

HASHI club organizes Chinese characters fan club “Kanji Kurabu”. Learn new characters, share your experience and have fun! Club membership is free! First meeting will be held this weekend – October 8th (Saturday), 3pm in Sugihara house. Meetings will be held every week.

The Embassy of Japan in Lithuania is honored to introduce you that Baltic Tour of Sho Asano (Tsugaru Shamisen) and the ensemble comes to Lithuania. Sho Asano is very popular in Japan. At his young age he won many music competitions and is considered a Shamisen prodigy. Performers combine traditional musical instruments like shamisen (Japanese […]

New website “Japonų kalba VDU” for learning Japanese language from Lithuanian resources has been launched! Sponsor – Japan Foundation. Accessible through the following links: japonų Facebook: Japonų kalba VDU Website is designed for self-studies. Includes materials required for preparing for the JLPT-5 and JLPT-4. Now only several lessons added but by the end of […]

Japanese ghosts

May 25th, 2011

Sorry, this entry is only available in Lithuanian and Korean.

Japanese beauty ideals

May 17th, 2011

What is considered beautiful in Japan? How do perceptions of masculine and feminine beauty differ from the Western ones? This Friday „Hashi“ invites to a lecture-discussion, moderated by Kristina Barancovaite – Skindaraviciene, who has done a research on this topic. Everyone is welcome! Time: May 20 (Friday), 6pm Place: Sugihara House

Impressions from Japan

April 20th, 2011

This Friday “Hashi” invites you to take a look at Japan through the eyes of a tourist. One of our club members, Andrius, has been there this March, and will demonstrate excerpts from his video material, taken during the trip, as well as comment on the more interesting details. Everyone is welcome! Time: April 22 […]

Japanese etiquette

April 6th, 2011

(Lietuviškai) Daugelis yra girdėję apie itin išpuoselėtą japonišką etiketą, tačiau nedaug kas žino, kaip padaryti gerą pirmąjį įspūdį svečiui iš šios tolimos šalies, o bendraujant – tinkamai suprasti jo gestus. Be to, norint užmegzti ilgalaikius ryšius, labai svarbu yra net ir tinkamai apsikeisti vizitinėmis kortelėmis. Galvojate keliauti į Japoniją? Ar žinote, kad ir viešose vietose egzistuoja tam tikros taisyklės? Kaip išvengti keistų aplinkinių žvilgsnių važiuojant traukiniu, autobusu, arba tiesiog einant gatve?..