Posts tagged ‘ASC’

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At 6 p.m., Tuesday, on March 26, in the VMU Aula Magna (Gimnazijos g. 7), a charity concert will be held and donations will be accepted in support of Japanese people. Japan extended a helping hand to Lithuania many times in the past, but now it needs our help. Donations can also be transferred to […]

Evening of Chinese Cinema

March 14th, 2011

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Lect. A. Alisauskas in Hashi

February 2nd, 2011

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Japanese Literature event

January 23rd, 2011

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The meeting of the project “Reception of Japanese and Korean Popular Culture in Europe” (coordinator – VMU Centre for Asian Studies, sponsor – Suntory Foundation) will be held in Seoul (South Korea), on January 10. Nine project members will present their research projects, discuss the results and make conclusions. The project meeting will be hosted […]

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Season’s greetings from Hashi

December 26th, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy New year! VMU Japanese culture club “Hashi” wishes you all the best! Have a warm evening at home, laugh with friends and think positive 🙂 “Hashi” is thankful to everybody who visited us this year. We hope to meet you again next year 🙂 See you in February!

VMU Japanese culture club “Hashi” invites you to come official members for the first time! “Hashi” membership card will allow you to get into private events, gives discount for “Hashi” stuff and much more. Our public events will be continued as usual though.

Official book donation ceremony from the Embassy of People’s Republic of China to Vytautas Magnus University will be held on December 9. The ambasador H.E. Mr. TONG Mingtao and University’s Rector, Prof. Zigmas Lydeka will participate during the ceremony. The collection of books, presented from the Embassy, consists of 500 new items about China’s culture, […]