Posts tagged ‘Hashi’

3rd Japanese Lesson in Hashi!

November 25th, 2010

Hashi club invites you to the last Japanese lesson this year. The lesson will be hold by future Japanese teacher, VMU exchange student from Japan – Kayako Takagi. This time we will learn basic sentences about Japanese food. Table manners and food culture will be introduced as well.

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Anime Rally 2010

November 9th, 2010

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Japanese language classes

November 3rd, 2010

November will be a month of Japanese language. Language basics will be given by a future Japanese teacher Kayako Takagi from Osaka Kansai Gaidai University. Classes will be held three times on 5th, 19th and 26th. Because of differet content even if you miss one class, you will be able to understand the other classes. […]

Japanese Halloween!

October 25th, 2010

As the most mysterious night of the year is coming closer, Japanese club “Hashi” has decided to celebrate it.. in a bit of a Japanese way 🙂 Therefore, this Friday (29, October), 6pm you are all invited to Sugihara House (Vaizgantas str. 30). Due to lack of space, the number of guests is limited, so […]

Japanese movie. Tokyo!

October 14th, 2010

“Hashi” club is organizing one more Japanese movie evening. This time we would like to invite you to watch “Tokyo!” (2008). It’s a non-standart movie about life-vision in Tokyo. Check it on IMDB and watch the Trailer. Event will take place this Friday (15th of October) from 6 p.m. @ . Wanna chat with “Hashi” […]

Impressions from studies in Japan

September 30th, 2010

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