Nauja HASHI narių registracija prasideda! It has been almost a year since thelast registration to the “Hashi” club. However,during the events we see more and more new people, so we have decided to invite them to join the club and to become official members of “Hashi”. Registration form is given below. The membership is free, […]
Today (November 4) “Hashi” will have guests from the Kaunas anime club “Kurokawa”. They will introduce us to their club, as well as show a movie “Genius Party” (by STUDIO4°C). Here, seven different directors present their short films, each on the same topic “energy”. Everyone is welcome! Time: November 4 (Friday), 6pm Place: Sugihara House
Buuuuu!!! Halloween party in da Hashi! Get to know Obon and regular Halloween in Japan. Enjoy games, quizes, costumes! Event is free of charge but due to limited classroom size we have started registration! Press read more and follow link to the registration form.
Japanese club HASHI invites you to have a wonderful night with very interesting Japanese movie – “Suspect X” (容疑者Xの献身). Audio – Japanese, Subtitles – English. IMDB: Movie will be presented October 21 d. (Friday), 6 pm at Sugihara house. Event is free of charge!
Health and Sports Day (Taiiku no hi) is a national holiday in Japan, held annually on the second Monday in October. “Hashi” club is also planning to celebrate it this year, and thus we present two events: Friday 6pm – the usual event at Sugihara House. We will introduce you to the history and traditions […]
How much do you know about the famous Japanese clothing, kimono? It is definitely beautiful to watch, but it also requires lots of patience and knowledge to wear it. This Friday “Hashi” has invited a guest from the Japanese Culture Centre “Tsuru”, Augustė Juraškaitė, who will tell us more about the ritual of putting on […]
For this Friday the members of “Hashi” have prepared a few different topics, related to the everyday life of Japan. You will hear more about the green tea, and get to know about things like purikura or Japanese vending machines. Everyone is welcome! Time: September 23 (Friday), 6pm Place: Sugihara House
Have you ever thought that plant motifs, found in Japanese literature, art, even manga or anime, can have symbolic meanings? That they could tell a whole new story if only we understood what they meant? This Friday „Hashi“ invites to an event where Justina Kapeckaitė will tell more about these hidden meanings of plants. The […]
This Friday in “Hashi” we will see the film version of the theatrical performance “Sakura in the Wind”. The play was written by Aivaras Mockus and produced in Japan in 2004. Languages: Japanese and Lithuanian; subtitles: Lithuanian. Time: May 13 (Friday), 6pm Place: Sugihara House
(Lietuviškai) Daugelis yra girdėję apie itin išpuoselėtą japonišką etiketą, tačiau nedaug kas žino, kaip padaryti gerą pirmąjį įspūdį svečiui iš šios tolimos šalies, o bendraujant – tinkamai suprasti jo gestus. Be to, norint užmegzti ilgalaikius ryšius, labai svarbu yra net ir tinkamai apsikeisti vizitinėmis kortelėmis. Galvojate keliauti į Japoniją? Ar žinote, kad ir viešose vietose egzistuoja tam tikros taisyklės? Kaip išvengti keistų aplinkinių žvilgsnių važiuojant traukiniu, autobusu, arba tiesiog einant gatve?..