Posts tagged ‘International exchange’

On the 12th of November, an agreement was signed in Tokyo with the new VMU partner – Ochanomizu University (お茶の水女子大学 Ochanomizu joshi daigaku). The ceremony was attended by the University’s Rector Prof. Kimiko Murofushi, Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania to Japan Mr. Gediminas Varvuolis and Head of VMU Centre for Asian Studies Dr. Aurelijus […]

On June 23 VMU signed a agreement with University of Fukui, which supplemented rich  list of VMU partners in Japan. The Fukui University is on the west coast of Japan (Hokuriku region) Fukui city. The State University was founded in 1949 and currently has about 5 thousand students, who study in 4 different faculties. The contract […]

Visit of HISU delegation

May 18th, 2016

On May 18th Hebei International Studies University Rector prof. Sun Jianzhong with delegation visited VMU Faculty of Humanities. Students and faculty exchange opportunities were discussed and guests have expressed a desire to create a joint program together with VMU. The meeting was attended by Asian Studies Centre head dr. Aurelius Zykas, who represented  longtime ASC […]

The 3rd of April marked the end of VMU rector’s Prof. Zigmas Lydeka visit in East Asia. Rector’s purpose was to visit universities in Taiwan and Japan. On March 27th , a meeting was held with National Zhengzhi University’s authorities. This university has tight relations with VMU – both universities not only engage in students […]

The Academy of Korean Studies (AKS) is pleased to announce the “23rd AKS Summer Program for International Students.” As an important part of our mission is to cultivate young leaders, who can contribute to the development of Korean studies, the academy has organized an intensive summer program for international undergraduate students in Korean studies. This […]

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During the summer CAS partners’ network expanded a bit more – the agreement was signed with another partner in Taiwan, I-Shou University (ISU). This adds up to a total of 3 partner universities in Taiwan that VMU has bilateral agreements with. I-Shou which is in the 2nd biggest city in Taiwan – Kaosiung is a […]

Penktadienį, balandžio 25 d., Vytauto Didžiojo universitete Azijoslankėsi prof. Hiromi Hayashi, Bunkyo Gakuin universiteto (Tokijas) prorektorius. Jis atvyko į VDU 25-mečio renginius, skaitė sveikinimo kalbą ir universitetui padovanojo vertingą dovaną – žymaus XVIII a. japonų dailininko Katsushika Hokusai graviūros originalą. Su ASC vadovu dr. A. Zyku bei darbuotojais susitikęs profesorius Hayashi aptarė įvairias bendradarbiavimo formas, […]

Azijos studijų centras (ASC) pradėjo Erasmus+ pagrindu plėtojamą partnerystę su  Eötvös Loránd universiteto (ELTE) Tolimųjų Rytų institutu (Budapeštas, Vengrija). Arvydas Kumpis, ASC vyresnysis koordinatorius, lankėsi ELTE balandžio 6-12 dienomis. Vizito metu buvo susitikta su  sinologijos, japonologijos, koreanistikos bei mongolistikos departamentų vadovais bei aptartos galimybės plėtoti ryšius dėstytojų bei studentų mainų srityse. Taip pat buvo susipažinta […]

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