Those who have not yet been able to see the picturesque documentary about the relationship between Kaunas and Japan are welcome to the screening of the documentary “Kaunas, the City of Sugihara and Japan” on February 7th. After the screening together with the Deputy Kaunas City Mayor Mr. Simonas Kairys we will remember Kaunas work […]
The Matsumae International Foundation (MIF) invites researches to apply for “2020 Research Fellowship Program”. Fields of research such as natural science, engineering and medicine are considered with first priorities. Applicants are free to select host institutions (universities, national research institutions or the
Showa Women‘s University (Tokyo, Japan) invites female undergraduate and graduate university students to participate in the 3 week summer program. The program is designed for students who are interested in Japan, but not yet studies Japanese. During your stay in Japan together with Japanese
Kansai Gaidai University (Japan) is pleased to inform you that application for the Asian Studies Summer Program 2019 is now open. Six-week program offers the combination of Japanese language course with lecture course in Asian Studies, which will lay a foundation for understanding Japan and its people. Field trips and student-organized activities will add interesting hands-on experiences […]
October 7-14, 2018 Romanas Erminas, East Asia region studies Master‘s student has won national “MIRAI” program’s contest and visited Japan. The program is supported by the Japanese government and is dedicated to the young leaders of the future. During the program, dozens of students from various countries spent a week in Japan, where they participated […]
On November 15 – December 15 VMU Centre for Asian Studies invites you to visit Japanese post stamps exhibition “Memorable events of the 20th Century for Japanese people”. The exhibition displays a part of Mr. Leonas Veržbolauskas collection of Japanese post stamps. The exhibition is located in the 4th floor gallery at the VMU Multifunctional […]
On May 24 – June 30 VMU Centre for Asian Studies invites you to visit Japanese post stamps exhibition “Prefectures”. The exhibition displays a part of Mr. Leonas Veržbolauskas collection of Japanese post stamps. The exhibition is located in the 4th floor gallery at the VMU Multifunctional Research and Studies Centre (V. Putvinskio st. 23, […]
Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Monbunkagakusho: MEXT) invites Lithuanians to participate in one of the 4 scholarship programs for studies in Japan since April, 2019: Undergraduate Studies Research Students Specialized Training College Students
On April 25th Sugihara Group for Kaunas-Japan Relations Development was established. The Group will be approved by the decree of the Mayor of Kaunas. The main purpose of the Group is to bring together a range of organizations and active Kaunas residents, who are contributing to the relations between Japan and Kaunas. The group is […]
Kansai Gaidai university (Japan) is pleased to inform you about the updated information regarding the Asian Studies Summer Program 2017 at KGU. This six-week program offers the combination of an elementary Japanese language course with lecture course in Asian Studies, which will lay a foundation for understanding about Japan and its people.