On April 21st the Center for Korean Studies of the University of Latvia in cooperation with the Centre for Asian Studies (Vytautas Magnus University) organized the 3rd Baltic Seminar on Korean Studies.It was held at VMU Small Hall. The seminar attracted participants not only from the Baltic states but also from Sweden, Finland, South Korea and other countries. […]
9th of October in South Korea is known for being called Hangeul Day. It is an improtant celebration as it marks the invention and proclamation of Korean alphabet (한글) in Korea. This Thursday Hallyu club presents you a historical and practical presentaton about Hangeul by our Korean language teacher Erika!See you at Sugihara house (Vaižganto […]
South Korean literature wasn’t widely known in Lithuania up until 2011, however few books managed to reach Lithuanian readers drawing a lot of interest. What connects one of the most talented South Korean writers and Lithuania? Why the Republic of Užupis (located in Vilnius) caused quite a big uproar in South Korea’s literature? Visit Sugihara […]
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On the 22nd of October, Pūkas TV aired a broadcast “Kaunas of various cultures (Įvairiakultūris Kaunas)” which was dedicated to Korea. In the broadcast, Korean language teachers Eglė Petrauskaitė and Erika Griučkaitytė shared their impressions about Korean language, culture, personal experiences from Korea. President of student club “Hallyu” Kristina Gedminaitė presented club’s activities. Program also covered some […]
Academy of Korean Studies invites everyone to apply for the 2014 Fall semester. The Graduate School of Korean Studies (“GSKS”) is a research-oriented graduate school in the fields of humanities and social sciences pertaining to Korea, which aims at nurturing scholars who will contribute to the development and globalization of Korean studies.
The Academy of Korean Studies invites you to apply for the spring semester of 2014 now.
After a half year break Korean language will be taught at VMU again. The first levels of Korean language will be taught by the lecturer of the Centre for East Asian Studies Jinseok Seo, while the third level will be taught by the visiting lecturer Dr. Jeongim Hyun from Sogang University, who is a graduate […]
In Lithuanian book stores readers can already find the Lithuanian translation of contemporary Korean writer Kim Younghua’s book “Kas gi nutiko lifte įstrigusiam vyriškiui?” (“What’s happened to a man stuck in the elevator?”). This book can be regarded as a starting point for Lithuanian readers’ acquaintance with contemporary Korean prose. The book is translated by […]
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