VMU Centre for Asian Studies invites everybody interested in East Asian countries to ”East Asia Day”, which is going to take place on May 10 at VMU Centre for Asian Studies (Vaizganto str. 30, Kaunas). This event is organized for the third time and it aims to gather all graduate, present and future students of East Asian studies together with social partners interested in preparation of specialists in the field of East Asia region studies.
In ”East Asia Day” we will hear the presentations by H.E. Ambassador of Japan to Lithuania Kazuko Shiraishi, representatives from Kaunas Municipality, representatives of business and cultural organizations, which have established ties with such East Asian countries as Japan, China and Korea. During the event representatives from Centre for East Asian Studies will present the possibilities of East Asian Studies at VMU, developing opportunities for student and teacher exchange with academic institutions of East Asia region.
All the students and alumni of VMU East Asian study programs, lecturers, club members and everybody interested in East Asian cultures are kindly invited to participate at this event.
“We hope that this event will coincide with the Japanese sakura blooming in Kaunas”,- spoke the head of the Centre for Asian Studies Dr. Aurelijus Zykas. , – “Sakura blooming in Japan starts a new cycle, which also starts a new study year. For us it is one more opportunity to evaluate the past academic year, to rejoice at our achievements, to estimate new challenges. However, the most important is to gather all together- students, lecturers and all those people to whom we must thank for being here and now.”
The event starts at 10:00 a.m. Please refer to the program East Asia Day program.