On the 12th of November, an agreement was signed in Tokyo with the new VMU partner – Ochanomizu University (お茶の水女子大学 Ochanomizu joshi daigaku). The ceremony was attended by the University’s Rector Prof. Kimiko Murofushi, Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania to Japan Mr. Gediminas Varvuolis and Head of VMU Centre for Asian Studies Dr. Aurelijus Zykas.
Despite being small, Ochanimizu University is one of the most prestigious Universities in Japan. Founded in 1875 as a Women’s Education School in 1949 it became the first University to provide higher education for women in Japan. University actively develops international relations and VMU became its first partner in Lithuania. It is our 22nd partner in Japan.
On the occasion of the agreement, the screening of documentary “Kaunas. The City of Sugihara and Japan”, produced by the Centre for Asian Studies, and a lecture by Dr. Aurelijus Zykas took place. At the moment the Head of the Centre for Asian studies is undergoing traineeship in Japan where he held a lecture in Gifu University. Screenings of the documentary, lectures and meetings are about to be held in Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Kanda University of International Studies and other Universities in Japan.