Japanese Government calls for applications for Japanese government funded studies in Japan to study Japanology with MEXT program. Studies in Japan will start from October 2020.
The deadline for documents submission – February 20th, 2020. All the documents must reach the embassy via post by February 20h, 17:00.
You can find the necessary forms for application here.
The written exam: March 2nd, 2020 in Vilnius. Exact hour will be clear later. Interview with selected candidates: March 5 or 6 at the embassy in Vilnius.
You can find more information about the program here or contact Milda Kraśko, Embassy of Japan (M.K.Čiurlionio st. 82B, 03100 Vilnius) phone. 8 5 230 3855, e-mail: culture@vn.mofa.go.jp