This September 11th the screening of a movie about Chiune Sugihara will take place in the historical movie theater “Romuva” in Kaunas. During this event the viewers will be able to meet the delegation from Gifu prefecture, including Jaocu city mayor, who will hand funds donated by Gifu people for Sugihara fond “Diplomats for Life” to Sugihara building repair.
The start of the event: 18:00. The priority to enter the event will be given to thouse, who will have special invitations from Romuva. The invitations could be taken in theatre box office during working hours.
The last autumn premmier of the movie recieved a large influx of viewers and in Japan this movie became one of the most watched. During the event Lithuanians had an opportunity to meet the director Cellin Gluck and main role actors Toshiaki Karasawa (Chiune Sugihara) ir Koyuki (Jukiko Sugihara). After the event Kaunas Deputy Mayor S. Kairys handed flowers and papers announcing them Honorary Ambassadors of Kaunas city tourism.
The film “Persona Non Grata” (Chiune Sugihara) is based on a true story about a Japanese Consul, Chiune Sugihara, who saved 6000 Jewish people from Nazis during World War II without regard to his risk in disobeying the assignment of Japanese government. The main story takes place in 1934 – 1955 period in Europe (mainly Kaunas), Asia and North America. In the movie you can see actors from Japan, Poland, France and Russia.
The event is supported by Gifu Prefecture Municipality and organised by Kaunas Municipality and Vytautas Magnus University Centre for Asian Studies.
A photo gallery of this year event: