On December 13th the Centre For Asian Studies, in cooperation with the Lithuanian Association of Literary Translators, invites all students of Japanese or Korean languages, to a free and open translation workshop. Workshop will be held from 1 pm at Putvinskio str. 23-412.
During half day long workshop participants will be able to learn what tools are useful in text translation, what should be the process of translation, how to deal with challenges and how to achieve high quality translation. During practical exercises participants will be able to try their hand in translating a short text into Lithuanian language and get answers to all their questions.
Lithuanian Association of Literary Translators appointed 2016 year as the year of Asian languages and has continuously organized various events related to Asian languages. Many events were organized with the help from the Centre For Asian Studies and East Asian student clubs (Hashi, Hallyu and Wu Wei). The most memorial events were VMU Asian week with its readers of Japanese language contest, different Korean language contest and Chinese language contest, two events with the tea ceremony and presentation of the book “Japanese tea ceremony for Beginners” (Hajimete no chad”) by master Senyu Tanaka and presentation of Japanese-Lithuanian dictionary delivered in Vilnius (Vilnius Book Fair) and Alytus (10th International Bonsai and Suiseki Exhibition).