June 02, 2011 the public Master thesis deffence of the students of East Asia region studies program will start from 9:00, at the Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy (Gedimino g. 44, 301 aud.). Everybody is invited to listen the presentations and to participate at the discussions. (more…)

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VMU Centre for Asian Studies invites to lectures of Dr. Lauri Paltemaa (Centre for East Asian Studies, Turku University, Finland) on the political situation of modern China. Lectures will be delivered on 3-5, May at the Centre for Asian Studies (Vaižganto 30, Kaunas).

The lectures are part of the course “Political development of China” (lect. J. Razumaitė) of the MA East Asia Region Studies program. We invite everybody to join the lectures.

Lectures will be held on:

  • May 3: 14:00 – 15:30
  • May 4: 14:00-15:30 ir 15:45-17:15
  • May 5: 14:00-15:30

You can find more information on Dr. L. Paltema at his homepage.

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In March (2011), the Centre for Asian Studies successfully finished the research project “Japan as Represented in the European Media: Its Analytical Methodolgies and Theories – in Comparison with Korean Cases”, supported by Japan Foundation. As result, the selection of articles was published. This selection is based mainly on the results of the fourth international conference organised by the Centre for Asian studies at Vytautas Magnus University. The volume discusses not only the Image of Japan in Europe, but also the image of Korea in Europe, in order to compare the images of these two different Eastern Asian countries, and, furthermore, to make the specificities of the image of Japan in Europe, with reference to the Korean image, clearer. This book is composed of three chapters and two special contributions.

Contents of the Publication

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The exhibition of Lithuanian books on East Asia is opened from April 7, 2011 at Vytautas Magnus University, near the V. Biržiška reading hall (K. Donelaičio g. 52, second floor). The books on Japan, China, Korea and Vietnam, published in Lithuania during 20-21st centuries, are exhibited. The books of Lithuanian authors on the East Asian countries, and the Lithuanian translations of East Asian authors are represented.

The exhibits are divided into three periods: Prewar (1906-1939), Soviet (1945-1989) and Independence (since 1990) periods.

Organizers: VMU Library and the Centre for Asian Studies. This exhibition is one of the events, organized on the occation of 10 years anniversary of the establishment of the Centre for Asian Studies. (more…)

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At 6 p.m., Tuesday, on March 26, in the VMU Aula Magna (Gimnazijos g. 7), a charity concert will be held and donations will be accepted in support of Japanese people. Japan extended a helping hand to Lithuania many times in the past, but now it needs our help.

Donations can also be transferred to the special bank accounts of the Lithuanian Red Cross Society: at AB SEB Bankas – no. LT27 7044 0600 0090 8211, at AB Swedbank – no. LT72 7300 0100 0244 8010, at AB DnB NORD bank – no. LT43 4010 0424 0057 6560. In the field for the purpose of the transfer (“Pervedimo paskirtis”), please indicate “Nukentėjusiems Japonijoje” (“For the victims of disaster in Japan”). You can also donate by calling short code phone numbers: 1891 – donation size 5 Lt, 1892 – 10 Lt. The campaign of support to the victims of disaster in Japan will run until April 14.

The event is organized by Vytautas Magnus University, Sugihara House, VMU Centre for Asian Studies and the Aula Magna Music Association. (more…)

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suntory logoThe meeting of the project “Reception of Japanese and Korean Popular Culture in Europe” (coordinator – VMU Centre for Asian Studies, sponsor – Suntory Foundation) will be held in Seoul (South Korea), on January 10. Nine project members will present their research projects, discuss the results and make conclusions.

The project meeting will be hosted at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS), which is the partner university of VMU in South Korea. Project members are: Prof. T. Kitamura (Osaka University), Prof. S. Choi (HUFS), Prof. S. Li (Pusan National University), Assoc. Prof. N. Onohara (University of Hyogo), Assoc. Prof. S. Kim (HUFS), Dr. K. Koma (VMU), Mr. M. Šiaučiūnas (Kyunghee University), Mr. J. Seo (VMU), Mr. A. Zykas (VMU).

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