Vytautas Magnus University Asian Week (VMU Asian Week) is a one-week long cycle of events, related to East Asia region. This year VMU Asian Week will take place on April 18–22 in various venues of VMU and other public places. VMU Asian Week aims to provide a better understanding of the region and to raise […]
We would like to announce that registration to HSK Chinese proficiency test has been started. Examination will take place on the 6th of December, 2014. For more information, please, contact to Vilnius University Confucius Institute konfucijaus.institutas@gmail.com.
On 2014 July 3 – 21 2nd and 3rd year students of RASK participated in VU Confucius Institute’s (partner of CAS) summer camp in China. The camp happened in Liaoning university. After it, students shared that those few weeks motivated them to study Chinese language even harder and look for more opportunities to visit the […]
VMU Center for Asian studies and Confucius Institute at Vilnius University invites everyone to listen to professor’s Cui Riming lecture “Asian Economic Integration with China, Japan and Korea as its Core and the New World Pattern” at 11:00 AM on the 16th of June, at Gediminas st. 44-301 (VMU faculty for Political Sciences and Diplomacy).
On 13th of November, prof. dr. Zhang Donghui, the new director of Vilnius University Confucius institute (VU CI) paid a visit to the Center for Asian Studies (CAS). She met VMU Rector Prof. Zigmas Lydeka, director of International Office, Ms. Zinaida Baltrėnienė, deputy director of the Foreign Languages Institute Dr. Vilma Bijeikienė, Vice-dean of the […]