VMU Centre for Asian Studies invites to theDay of Japan events which will be held in the Historical Presidential Palace of the Republic of Lithuania in Kaunas ( Vilniaus 33, Kaunas) on the 23rd of October. Japanese Ambassador in Lithuania H.E. Toyoei Shigeeda and Ambassador of Japan in charge of Public Diplomacy in Europe H.E. Masafumi Ishii will come to Kaunas and they would like to invite all to discuss Japan’s position in the world and the future of Japan-Lithuania relations.
At the end of discussions Ambassador T. Shigeeda will officially present the award of gratitude to the Centre for Asian Studies that was issued by Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA).
The schedule of the event:
10:15 – Ambassador M. Ishii’s lecture about the security challenges in Japan.
According to the guest, in formulating security policy, one should make sober assessment of your own future strength, identify major regional and global trend and then decide what one should do now. What are the challenges Japan identifies behind its security policy and what can Europe do to cope with the common issues? These are the main theme of his talk. (more…)