ambassador_ishii_03 VMU Centre for Asian Studies invites to theDay of Japan events which will be held in the Historical Presidential Palace of the Republic of Lithuania in Kaunas ( Vilniaus 33, Kaunas) on the 23rd of October. Japanese Ambassador in Lithuania H.E. Toyoei Shigeeda and Ambassador of Japan in charge of Public Diplomacy in Europe H.E. Masafumi Ishii will come to Kaunas and they would like to invite all to discuss Japan’s position in the world and the future of Japan-Lithuania relations.

At the end of discussions Ambassador T. Shigeeda will officially present the award of gratitude to the Centre for Asian Studies that was issued by Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA).

The schedule of the event:
10:15 – Ambassador M. Ishii’s lecture about the security challenges in Japan.
According to the guest, in formulating security policy, one should make sober assessment of your own future strength, identify major regional and global trend and then decide what one should do now. What are the challenges Japan identifies behind its security policy and what can Europe do to cope with the common issues? These are the main theme of his talk. (more…)

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plakataslietuviskasEvery year the Centre for Asian Studies at VMU organizes a conference on East Asia from the perspective of various research disciplines. In the past, annual conferences have focused on sociological or religious aspects of East Asian societies. This year’s topic is economy, and in particular – trade and other economic relations between the EU, its Eastern neighborhood, and East Asia. The event will take place on October 21-22, in VMU Small Hall (Daukanto 28, Kaunas).

“Information about the spectacular economic growth and rising global prominence of East Asia is abundant, but the role of the academic community is to make sense of the processes, connections and implications of this,” says the coordinator of this conference, CAS junior researcher Daiva Repečkaitė. (more…)

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FotoSimona Vasilevskyte, senior coordinator of the Centre for Asian Studies, has been accepted for the 6 months lenght fellowship at Japanese Language Centre in Urawa (Saitama prefecture), which is sponsored by Japan Foundation. During her fellowship, she will study the Japanese language teaching methodology.

Japan Foundation, established in 1972, is one of the institutions of Japan, promoting international cultural exchange through the implementation of comprehensive programs. Its main activities are: Arts and Cultural Exchange, Japanese language education overseas, Japanese studies and intellectual exchange. The JF contributes to developing Japanese studies around the world by supporting outstanding research topics both in the humanities and social sciences.

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This October 13th the first screening of a movie about Chiune Sugihara will take place in the historical movie theater “Romuva”. During this exclusive premiere the viewers not only will be the first ones in the world to watch the film (the Tokyo premiere is set in December), but also will have a rare opportunity to meet with the director Cellin Gluck as well as the actors who played main roles in it – Toshiaki Karasawa (as Chiune Sugihara) and Koyuki (as Yukiko Sugihara).

The start of the premiere – 18:00, doors open at 17:00. The event is free of charge. The film will be shown in an original language (Japanese and English) with Lithuanian subtitles.

Chiune Sugihara was a Japanese Vice-Consul in Lithuania who lived in Kaunas (in a current historical building “Sugihara House”) during the period of 1939 – 1940. While residing there, he saved thousands of Jewish people lives by issuing exit visas to Japan allowing them to flee from the holocaust and the occupation of Nazis. (more…)

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woodblockOn the 21st of September, CAS staff member Daiva Repečkaitė was taking part in an interinstitutional meeting of the Baltic Alliance for Asian Studies. The partners were discussing cooperation within Erasmus+, joint projects, etc. At the Latvian National Library, they learned about the culture of literati in medieval China and saw copies of rare maps and woodblock prints.

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New Academic Year Has Started

10358117_782537025099521_508149428_nVMU has started a new academic year on the 24th of August. On this occasion RASK program lecturers and coordinators met with a huge number of first-year students. According to these statistics RASK program is the biggest in the faculty of Humanities and among the three most popular ones in the whole University.

During the meeting with new students coordinators presented the opportunities that rise in the RASK program and also encouraged pupils to engage in many activities that are offered together with the study program – join the culture clubs, visit the fast-growing library, participate in exchange progams and so on.

RASK students can always stay connected with the latest news about their program and CAS events while “liking” our CAS facebook page Azijos studijų centras. (more…)

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mofaOn the 19th of August, 2015, Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) awarded VMU Centre for Asian Studies for its contribution to spreading Japanese culture and language also for doing research related to Japan in Lithuania. Being awarded is a great honour also it is a sign of appreciation for the work which is being done for almost 20 years. Click here for the press release by MOFA (text in Japanese).

Presently, Centre for Asian Studies has 11 bilateral exchange agreements with Japanese universities, conducts various activities with Japan thus strengthening ties between the countries. (more…)

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PLU_logo_galutinis.cdrThis summer, Centre for Asian Studies (CAS) successfully continued participation in “Summer Internship (SIP)” programme initiated by Vytautas Magnus University. During it, various students from all over the world are invited to participate in international internship activities provided by partner institutions and university departments. This time, student from Soongsil University (Seoul, South Korea) Kyungmin Lee was granted an internship position in CAS.


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