Centre for Asian Studies is organizing public Japanese language courses. They are meant for school pupils and working citizens who are not able to participate in VMU lectures during the usual time.
Courses will be taught by VMU Japanese language teacher Yumiko Nunokawa and here you will have a chance to learn the basics of Japanese language, calligraphy and so on. The courses will be lead in English.

Duration of the course: 12 lectures, once a week. Time of the lecture – 90 min. Size of a group – 4 – 7 people.
A certificate of VMU Centre for Asian Studies will be issued for those who completed the course. (more…)

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fotoLinas Didvalis will be joining Centre for Asian Studies’ staff from this February as a researcher. His research specialty is environmental policy in East and Southeast Asia, especially in the areas of climate change and forest protection. Linas will be responsible for the cooperation projects with Japan and Korea.

Linas Didvalis received his BA degree in political science (2009) and MA degree in East Asian studies (2011) at Vytautas Magnus University (Kaunas, Lithuania), and PhD in political science (2015) as a Monbukagakusho Scholarship recipient at International Christian University (Tokyo, Japan). In 2007 he received JASSO scholarship to study at Waseda University (Tokyo, Japan) and VMU scholarship in 2011 to spend one semester studying at Chung Ang University (Seoul, South Korea).

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lietuvait-yi-munyolSince 2014 November 28 VMU Centre for Asian Studies is a member of Literature Translation Institute of Korea (LTI Korea) Hub library program. Participating in this program is extremely beneficial because LTI Korea donates translated Korean books to its members. On the 5th of January Centre for Asian Studies received the first donation – 42 translated Korean books. The received publications are translated from Korean to English, Russian and even Lithuanian. The books will be immediately handed to the Cataloging department of the VMU Library and therefore, they will soon be available for all the visitors of our Reading Room.
Currently, the Korean literature is the least covered section in CAS Library. However, because of the LTI Korea Hub library’s contribution the situation should be improved gradually in the future.

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su sv The staff of the Centre for Asian Studies sends the Season’s greetings to all of you and wishes you to have a merry Christmas and happy New Year.
In most of the East Asian countries New Year will start only from February 19th. According to the traditional Chinese calendar the upcoming year will be a continuation of the last year’s blue – green tree element period, however the horse is going to be chased out by the stubborn goat. So next year, let’s embrace the stubbornness in a good way and allow it to help us complete every project or task in hand.

Year 2014 was a fruitful period for VMU. The list of our staff and professors became longer – Daiva Repečkaitė, Yumiko Nunokawa, Wang Baidi and Erika Griučkaitytė joined us one by one during the year.
Also, Confucius Institute’s teaching point was established at the university, the event itself being a wonderful result of the great relationship with VU Confucius Institute. What is more, this year VMU became an institution with the biggest Asian studies program in Lithuania due to the rapidly growing numbers of our RASK students. And of course, the online East Asian directory was successfully launched, with an amazing possibility for the students to develop it’s contents themselves, this way allowing everyone to participate in expanding Lithuania’s knowledge about the far-away countries. (more…)

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pabandymas5 Recently, Chiune Sugihara Reading Room has finished acquiring a large collection of books donated by Professor Jørgen Nielsen form Copenhagen University. This was possible owing to Professor Egdūnas Račius who helped during the whole process of transfer. Due to this collection together with donations by Prof. E Račius, the funds of Sugihara Reading Room were increased by almost 1000 books on Middle East and Islam. Majority of books are in English but there are publications in Arab or Farsi languages as well. All the books are available for the community of VMU and other readers.
J. Nielsen’s collection together with Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation (Taiwan), Confucius Institute and Japan’s government have helped Chiune Sugihara Reading Room to improve significantly. Due to book donations even supplementary shelves were installed. Now, visitors of the reading room can choose from more than 6000 publications in English, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Lithuanian and other languages.

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New Issue of IJAS was Published

NoTitleIn early December, a new issue of volume 9 of the International Journal of Area Studies was published by De Gruyter. It consiusts of four articles, concentrating on such countries as Georgia and Etiopia, and researching Japan-Africa relations in the wake of TICAD V.

We invite to read the open access articles online.

The Journal, published semiannually in March and October, is devoted to area studies from the humanities and social sciences perspectives (including but not limited to research on history, religion, philosophy, politics, and social processes in the regions of the world). We are interested in receiving article proposals related to different facets of the aforementioned scientific fields. (more…)

Application for the internship

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NoTitleWe would like to invite proposals for the upcoming issue of a semi-annual open access blind peer review journal ‘International Journal of Area Studies‘ (IJAS) to be published in October, 2015. This issue is constructed on a trans-regional basis and we welcome the texts dealing with North Europe, East Asia, South Asia, Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Application Deadline: March 31, 2015

The Journal, published semiannually in March and October, is devoted to area studies from the humanities and social sciences perspectives (including but not limited to research on history, religion, philosophy, politics, and social processes in the regions of the world). We are interested in receiving article proposals related to different facets of the aforementioned scientific fields. (more…)

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