This Friday HASHI has visitors – anime fan club “Kurokawa”, which presents an animated film „The dog of Flanders“, made in 1997.
This Friday HASHI has visitors – anime fan club “Kurokawa”, which presents an animated film „The dog of Flanders“, made in 1997.
What are your first thoughts when you here “martial arts“? Do you imagine muscular boxers or maybe flexible Buddhist priests, karate masters breaking wooden blocks or ninjutsu practitioniers throwing shurikens? No matter what kind of methods will be used or what kind of phylosophy will be followed, all of these martial arts are used for […]
Most people who love Japan dream about seeing this country with their own eyes. Every year at least one HASHI club member sets on a long journey for even just a moment to look into this dream land. This Friday Joana Vaitkutė, who lived in Japan for one year, will tell us about her experience.
Dr Aurelijus Zykas, head of VMU Centre for Asian studies, recently was interviewed by “Verslo žinios” – news website, mainly focussing on business matters. This analytical interview allows readers to understand contemporary Japan. Click here to read full text (in Lithuanian only).
After lot of interesting lections about the country of „Rising sun“ and because the exam session is drawing closer and closer, HASHI club invites you to test your brain ability while participating in HASHI quiz. Theme – Japan. Part of the questions will be for yhe beginners and part of them only real expert could […]
Japonijoje gausu įvairiausių statinių, reprezentuojančių skirtingas architektūros formas: nuo kuklaus kaimo namelio iki didingų rūmų. Šalies architektūrinių stilių evoliucija apima laikotarpį nuo priešistorinių iki moderniųjų laikų. Jie buvo veikiami žemyninės Azijos dalies ir vakarietiškos kultūros įtakų bei tuo pačiu prisitaikė prie vietinių žmonių skonio ir poreikių.
It is already the middle of spring and days are geting warmer and warmer… In Japan sakura trees are in fool bloom while in Lithuania starts long-awaited „Anime Nights“ festival. For this occasion this Friday HASHI invites you to spend the evening while watching anime. Fuse Teppō Musume no Torimonochō is a 2012 Japanese animated […]
Japan Foundation invites everyone to apply for Japanese language program for overseas students. This program offers the opportunity to visit Japan and to deepen the knowledge of the Japanese language, society and culture for the purpose of further encouragement to continue with your study.
Have you ever collected clippings from the newspapers about your beloved performers? Maybe your room walls were decorated with various bands wallpapers? Without a doubt some of us have gone trough fantasy period about world tours however some Japanese culture fans are fond of impersonating his/her beloved artist. Cosplay (costume play for short) is a […]
This Friday HASHI will take you on a trip to the Japanese cuisine. Japan is a country of lush and bountiful forests, surrounded on all sides by the sea. Washoku (the traditional dietary cultures of the Japanese) has developed thanks to the blessing of the rich natural surroundings as well as the continuous pursuit of […]