Sugiharos namai From July 7, VMU Centre for Asian Studies accepts international student Momoko Fujiwara (Akita International University, Japan) as an intern. Momoko will concentrate on the acquisition of book donation from prof Kumiko Yamada. Also, she will contribute to the improvement of representative material of Centre for Asian Studies.
Momoko will do her internship till the end of her exchange program in VMU. Momoko’s priority is the activity at Ch. Sugihara Reading Room because it is related to her professional aspirations.
Centre for Asian Studies kindly accepts the interns. For more information, please, refer to the head of the centre.

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Summer holidays for ASC

Summer On June 26 the scholars of the Centre for Asian Studies started their summer holidays. The centre and the library will be closed entirely from July 24 to August 21. We apologize for the inconvenience.

We express our gratitude to the students, clubs and partners for the fruitful collaborations during the past school year. Hopefully that all of You will get plenty of rest and come back well rested and full of creative energy for the upcoming semester. Happy summer holidays!

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urm 120px On June 17 the discussion about the need for Chinese language translators were held initiated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania (URM). During the meeting director Ina Marčiulionytė emphasized the recent growth of interest about Lithuania in China. URM receives delegations from China every month and not all guests are able to speak English, the need for professional Chinese language translators is rapidly growing. Since the number of visits from China is only getting bigger, the government should start worrying about how to prepare more professionals who can translate verbally.

Also, the shortage of guides for Chinese tourists was expressed by representative of Tourism Department Akvilė Vanagaitė. Right now there are only 5 Chinese speaking guides, but the tourist traffic from China is becoming bigger and Lithuania must prepare for a new wave from China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Not to mention that by not having enough qualified negotiators and translators who can communicate with Chinese business institutions Lithuania could loose compared with other European countries as was pointed out by Lithuania-China Business council chairman Osvaldas Čiukšys. (more…)

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Sugiharos namaiFrom May 25 Solveiga Žibaitė, who has recently finished her studies in Social Anthropology at the University of Edinburgh, is doing an internship at the Centre for Asian Studies. She will stay here a month and a half.

Solveiga, who has spent a year in China, will help the staff of the Centre to organise a summer school and to carry out media monitoring – she will identify and review articles in Chinese about VMU events, students, and Lithuanian science and arts in general. (more…)

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Daiva photo On June 11-12 CAS junior researcher Daiva Repečkaitė will attend Riga International Roundtable “Financing for Development: Role of EU Member States”. Riga international Roundtable is organized to find answers to those questions at national and international level through bringing together policy makers, media representatives, civil society and private sector activists, academics and educators from Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Finland and the UK. Daiva has previously received a Minority Rights Group scholarship to do research on development issues in Southeast Asia.

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CAS invites all to the first summer school for Chinese, Japanese and Korean language learners. The school will focus on lectures about translation practice, work of a translator, the most common mistakes that translators make etc. Of coure there will be an interactive part as well: participants will be able to try out their skills in translation tasks, learn useful tips for a more efficient translating.

Summer school will be held on June 16- 17. (more…)

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Sorry, this entry is only available in Lithuanian, Korean, Japanese and 简体中文.

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The Centre of Asian Studies invites students both from Lithuania and other countries to apply for Master degree study program East Asia Region Studies (EARS). Applications are accepted until July 10. All necessary application and admission procedures are explained in detail on university’s website. International students are also encouraged to use the opportunity of receiving a scholarship offered by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania.

EARS was launched at 2007 by the Regional Studies Department (Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy). It is the first and the only one graduate program in Lithuania and Baltic States that offers English courses in the field of East Asian contemporary politics and society. Research paper and master’s thesis are also written in English. (more…)

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Ex Libris Kumiko(s)This week, Chiune Sugihara Reading Room got a present from Rikkyo University (Tokyo, Japan) – Professor Kumiko Yamada donated 110 books (33 of them in English) from her personal collection. This donation consists of various publications on literature, art, history, religion and other topics. Centre for Asian Studies is grateful for Japanese Embassy in the Republic of Lithuania for all the help during the book acquiring process.
Ch. Sugihara Reading room is an integral part of Centre for Asian Studies, responsible for collecting material related to the scientific and research activities of CAS. The funds of the Reading room are constantly growing, and donations from individual donors consist a large part of it.

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NoTitleIn early December, a new issue of volume 10 of the International Journal of Area Studies was published by De Gruyter. It consists of five articles and is concentrating on such topics as the translator of the first Catholic Bible in Chinese, Zainichi Koreans in Japanese media, Nishitani’s interpretation of Buddhist concept of sūnyatā, influence of Japonisme on art of M.K Čiurlionis, etc.

We invite to read the open access articles online.

The Journal, published semiannually in March and October, is devoted to area studies from the humanities and social sciences perspectives (including but not limited to research on history, religion, philosophy, politics, and social processes in the regions of the world). We are interested in receiving article proposals related to different facets of the aforementioned scientific fields. (more…)

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