New Academic Year Has Started

10633980_10152668352083139_805789291996054003_oVMU has started a new academic year on the 25th of August. On this occasion RASK program lecturers and coordinators met with a huge number(over 90 people) of first-year students. According to these statistics RASK program is the biggest in the faculty of Humanities and one of the most popular ones in the whole university.

During the meeting with new students coordinators presented the opportunities that rise in the RASK program and also encouraged pupils to engage in many activities that are offered together with the study program – join the culture clubs, visit the fast-growing library, participate in exchange progams and so on. Andrius Vilkas, 3rd year student who just came back form his exchange experience in China, urged everyone to study not only in the classrooms, but on their own as well.

RASK students can always stay connected with the latest news about their program and CAS events while “liking” our CAS facebook page Azijos studijų centras.

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dragon boat01 On June 27th the summer vacation has started to the academic staff of the Centre for Asian Studies. From that day until July 25th CAS will be open 9:00-16:00. During that time, the library will be available to everyone. From July 25th to August 25th our centre will be completely closed. Our apologies for the inconvenience.

The staff of Centre for Asian Studies sends the biggest gratitude to the students, clubs and partners for another well-spent year and wishes for You all to recharge Your energy during summer for the upcoming school year!

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NoTitleWe would like to invite proposals for the upcoming issue of a semi-annual open access blind peer review journal ‘International Journal of Area Studies‘ (IJAS) to be published in March, 2015. This issue will concentrate on East Asia region.

Application Deadline (prolonged): October 21, 2014

The Journal, published semiannually in March and October, is devoted to area studies from the humanities and social sciences perspectives (including but not limited to research on history, religion, philosophy, politics, and social processes in the regions of the world). We are interested in receiving article proposals related to different facets of the aforementioned scientific fields. (more…)

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photo 1On June 16th, the first official Confucius Institute Teaching Point was opened in VMU. The Director of Confucius Institute prof. Dongui Zhang, VMU Vice-rector Prof. Auksė Balčytienė, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities Prof. Ineta Dabašinskienė, the Head of the Department of Culture Studies and Ethnology Dr. Laimutė Anglickienė and the Head of the Centre for Asian Studies Dr. Aurelijus Zykas were presenting at this important event.

During the ceremony the name plate of the Teaching Point was uncovered next to the 601st auditorium of the Faculty of Humanities (Donelaičio st. 52), where usually Chinese language lectures are held. Furthermore, the Director of Confucius Institute presented a gift to VMU Vice-rector – a symbolic book as a token of a good relationship.

After the ceremony, the guests of the opening went to public lecture about Chinese economy, which was read by Prof. Riming Cui from Liaoning university of China.


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Dr Aurelijus Zykas, head of VMU Centre for Asian studies, recently was interviewed by “Verslo žinios” – news website, mainly focussing on business matters. This analytical interview allows readers to understand contemporary Japan. Click here to read full text (in Lithuanian only).

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cui rimingVMU Center for Asian studies and Confucius Institute at Vilnius University invites everyone to listen to professor’s Cui Riming lecture “Asian Economic Integration with China, Japan and Korea as its Core and the New World Pattern” at 11:00 AM on the 16th of June, at Gediminas st. 44-301 (VMU faculty for Political Sciences and Diplomacy).

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10423984_773893692642851_6542116372078393213_n Japanese embassy invites everyone to Japanese drums performance byJoji Hirota, a composer, taiko and shiakuhachi performer. Do not miss the chance to see the powerful Japanese instrument by yourself!
The concert will be held on June 9 (Monday), 18:00 at Vytautas Magnus University’s Great Hall (S Daukanto st. 28, Kaunas). Event page on facebook can be found here: Taiko concert.

More information can be found in the Japanese Embassy website.


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