Žaliojo žirgo žingsniai fotoCenter for Asian studies (CAS) together with studio of Eastern culture “Wudang Tao” present a series of events for new lunar year – “Steps of green horse”. The series is starting on the 20th of December and will end on the 31st of January, 2014.

There are various events planned, among them – evening for Japanese traditions with kimono presentation and Tea ceremony (January 17, 16:00). On the new year’s eve, there will be lectures given by CAS’s lecturers about different traditions of celebrating New year in East Asia (more…)

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NoTitleWe would like to invite proposals for the upcoming issue of a semi-annual open access blind peer review journal ‘International Journal of Area Studies‘ (IJAS) to be published in October, 2014. This issue is constructed on a trans-regional basis and we welcome the texts dealing with North Europe, East Asia, South Asia, Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Application Deadline: March 31, 2014

The Journal, published semiannually in March and October, is devoted to area studies from the humanities and social sciences perspectives (including but not limited to research on history, religion, philosophy, politics, and social processes in the regions of the world). We are interested in receiving article proposals related to different facets of the aforementioned scientific fields. (more…)

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This year East Asian Regional Studies program was self-evaluated, meaning that self-evaluation committee analyzed program’s development since 2007, emphasized its strong points, weaknesses and new challenges. Self-evaluation process ended on November 12, when international experts team came to VMU and met with program’s administration staff, professors, students, graduate students and social partners.
Experts were impressed with the coordination of the study program as well as its well-developed social partners network. They praised the study environment, the still-growing library, the opportunities given to the students to study abroad in the East Asia countries.

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20131113_KI visitOn 13th of November, prof. dr. Zhang Donghui, the new director of Vilnius University Confucius institute (VU CI) paid a visit to the Center for Asian Studies (CAS). She met VMU Rector Prof. Zigmas Lydeka, director of International Office, Ms. Zinaida Baltrėnienė, deputy director of the Foreign Languages Institute Dr. Vilma Bijeikienė, Vice-dean of the Faculty of Humanities Dr. Aurelija Tamošiūnaitė and the head of the Centre for Asian Studies Dr. Aurelijus Zykas.

During the meeting various questions of future coopertion were discussed. Most important among them – the establishment of separate Confucius Institute Teaching point at Vytautas Magnus University. (more…)

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Paribu On November the 5th Vytautas Magnus University welcomed the ambassador of Indonesia (from his residence in Copenhagen) Bomer Pasaribu. Guest met with VMU vice-rector prof. Juozas Augutis, International Affairs head Zita Baltrėnienė, Centre for Asian Studies head Dr. Aurelijus Zykas and Foreign Languages Institute representative Dr. Vilma Bijeikienė.

During the visit the expansion of Indonesian and Southeast Asian studies at VMU were discussed. Ambassador was glad that our university is very active in trying to collaborate with Indonesian universities and that there are VMU graduates who already have studied in Indonesia. Guest noted that it would be useful for both sides to begin the international exchange between the countries as well as to collaborate in joint research and scientific exchange. (more…)

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AAA_0124mCenter for Asian studies and Confucius Institute invite everyone to enjoy Chinese traditional music. By the invitation of Confucius Institute, five Chinese musicians are coming to Lithuania on 20th of November, Wednesday, to chase away the autumnal melancholy. The concert will take place at VMU Great Hall, S. Daukanto 28. 

The skilled playing with traditional musical instruments – pipa, guqin, dulcimer and Chinese violin erhu – will not leave any dissappointment. Liu Xiaojing, Zhao Xiaoxia, Song Bing, Zhang Guoliang, Liu Ziqi and pianist Liu Chang  are not only virtuosoes of their instruments, but also teach at music academies or universities. In addition, they all have won various prizes and nominations, therefore the professional show is guaranteed. (more…)

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