This May, a new Lithuanian book about Japan was released. It is called “Japonijos spalvos ir skoniai” or in English – “The colours and the taste of Japan” and is one of the few literary works published by a Lithuanian author about this country. The piece colourfully depicts a wonderful, versatile and rich heritage, people […]
Japonijoje gausu įvairiausių statinių, reprezentuojančių skirtingas architektūros formas: nuo kuklaus kaimo namelio iki didingų rūmų. Šalies architektūrinių stilių evoliucija apima laikotarpį nuo priešistorinių iki moderniųjų laikų. Jie buvo veikiami žemyninės Azijos dalies ir vakarietiškos kultūros įtakų bei tuo pačiu prisitaikė prie vietinių žmonių skonio ir poreikių.
Penktadienį, balandžio 25 d., Vytauto Didžiojo universitete Azijoslankėsi prof. Hiromi Hayashi, Bunkyo Gakuin universiteto (Tokijas) prorektorius. Jis atvyko į VDU 25-mečio renginius, skaitė sveikinimo kalbą ir universitetui padovanojo vertingą dovaną – žymaus XVIII a. japonų dailininko Katsushika Hokusai graviūros originalą. Su ASC vadovu dr. A. Zyku bei darbuotojais susitikęs profesorius Hayashi aptarė įvairias bendradarbiavimo formas, […]
Japonijos švietimo, kultūros, sporto, mokslo ir technologijų ministerija šiais metais siūlo Lietuvos piliečiams 4 stipendijų programas studijoms Japonijoje nuo 2015 m. balandžio mėn. Paraiškos teikiamos iki šių metų gegužės 30 dienos.
Mizuhiki is traditional Japanese art of ornamentation and is already 607 years old. For this ornamentation technique colorful paper chords are being used. From these chords various compositions and ornaments are made. While packing the gifts we use only ribbons but Japanese people use Mizuhiki to decorate the presents. Mizuhiki gives an especial meaning to […]
Saga University invites all students to apply for Saga University Summer Program 2014. This program is the perfect opportunity to embrace Japanese culture and make new connections with the people from around the world.
Japan Foundation invites everyone to apply for Japanese language program for overseas students. This program offers the opportunity to visit Japan and to deepen the knowledge of the Japanese language, society and culture for the purpose of further encouragement to continue with your study.
This Friday HASHI will present two traditional Japanese arts – calligraphy and ink wash painting. Japanese calligraphy (shodō) is a form of calligraphy, or artistic writing. After the invention of Hiragana and Katakana, the Japanese unique syllabaries, the distinctive Japanese writing system developed and calligraphers produced styles intrinsic to Japan. Ink wash painting (sumi-e), also […]
This Friday HASHI will take you on a trip to the Japanese cuisine. Japan is a country of lush and bountiful forests, surrounded on all sides by the sea. Washoku (the traditional dietary cultures of the Japanese) has developed thanks to the blessing of the rich natural surroundings as well as the continuous pursuit of […]
On March 7, 2014, VMU signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Bunkyo Gakuin university in Tokyo, Japan. On this occassion the honorable guests from the mentioned university visited our university. Delegation, led by rector prof. Nobuo Kawabe, met with VMU rector prof. Zigmas Lydeka, prorector prof. Auksė Balčytienė, International Relations director Zina Baltrenienė and […]